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  • Smart Factory Kickoff Meeting, 2017
  • 2017-05-173724

A kick-off meeting was held in the conference room on the 4th floor on April 25, 2017 regarding the smart factory construction project.
The meeting was attended by Hee-Kwon Ko (Executive Director of Samsung Electronics), Vice President of Public-Private Smart Factory, and executives and staff members such as Seong-ho Jeon, Director Hyuk-Hwan Jeong, Yun-Tae Kim, and Team Leader Ji-Hong Ji-Hong of EIP Co.
EIP Co., Ltd., a supplier, briefed on the purpose and schedule of business establishment, and the company explained the feasibility of the business and four tasks that we must achieve.

From April 1st to September 30th, it was a meaningful meeting to pledge to become a leading Myeongjin by thoroughly analyzing the work of As-Is and To-Be.
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